• We all live on this planet
    We all breathe the same air
    Look up at the same sky
    Get warmed by the same sun
    Sleep under the same moon
    The same stars
    We are all the same
    Some of us are rich
    Others poor
    The strong and the weak
    Different colors of skin
    We all come from different backgrounds
    We are all different
    This makes us ourselves
    But there are times we do not agree
    Protests begin
    War breaks out
    And we harass each other
    Be it for what one believes
    Or even for whom one truly loves
    We fight for our rights
    For what we think is right
    Even though we should be at peace
    It's part of human nature to fight
    The rich who dislike the poor
    The strong that push down the weak
    Hatred for another for the color of their skin
    Or even killing others because they love the same gender
    Why can't we push differences aside for one day?
    To make the world a better place?
    We are different on the outside
    But on the inside we are alike
    We are made of flesh and blood
    We have hearts that beat
    Eyes that blink and cry
    Mouths that speak
    We have lungs that breathe
    Bodies that feel
    Minds that think
    Ears that listen
    We are not so different after all it seems
    But others won't come down from their pride to see this fact
    Maybe one day we can all live peacefully
    All walk hand in hand
    Take off the blindfolds of bigotry
    Rid ourselves of prejudice
    Expel all narrow-mindedness
    And we all live as one
    Maybe one day peace will fill this planet
    Until then I look up at the sky
    Seeing my dreams roll by