• I just ate a cinnamon roll, and thought to my self, this is not bitter, its sweet.
    baby... you are sweet.
    Every time i see you my heart reaches for you,
    you make me happy and give me something to do,
    i smile when you laugh, i cry when you cry,
    i like you a lot, but i feel something that's even greater towards you,
    your personality is amazing and so are you,
    your eyes are more pretty than any other eyes in the world,
    without you, i don't know what i would do,
    a girl like u, sweet, funny, pretty, and smart, should have someone that will love them for who they are.
    what I'm trying to say, is that i love you heart
    if beauty was a tiny piece of sand, you would be the Sahara desert.
    this isn't just love, this is true love.
    i think about you all day and all night.
    when you leave, I'm lonely, missing you with all my heart.
    i don't just want to be with you, i need you,
    i would hold you tight in my arms, not letting u go.
    i would warm you when it ever gets cold,
    i would risk my life for you baby
    i would give you a kiss that will never end...

    ...because i care about u, because i love u heart

    you complete me, you are my everything heart