• She still remembers the look in his eyes.
    He gave her kiss as he said his goodbye.
    Her lips start to tremble as he walks away.
    She opens her mouth wanting to call out his name.
    But no words come out, just a crack in her voice.
    A tear falls down her cheek and hits the floor.
    She bites her lips, her eyes flood with tears.
    She watches his shadow finally disappear.
    She falls to her knees, knowing he’s gone.
    He was the only one there for her; the one that she loved.
    Closing her eyes, tasting his lips.
    Holding her waist, remembering his hands on her hips.
    She breaks into tears, her heart’s been broken.
    She had so much to say, but those words were unspoken.

    A memory is all she has of him.
    Who knew a boy could mean so much?
    She never got the chance to tell him how she feels.
    She never got to say she fell in love.

    It’s been two months now, and she feels the same.
    Her heart’s so broken she can’t handle the pain.
    He was the one who would make her smile.
    The one who would comfort her when her parents were fighting.
    He’d hold her and tell her that everything will be okay.
    He’d look into her eyes and kiss away the pain.
    The way he laughs and how he smiles.
    Ever since he left he’s been the only thing on her mind.
    She cries herself to sleep each and every night.
    The only thing she thinks helps her pain is using a knife.
    The cuts and scars that cover her arm.
    His name forever printed on her heart.

    A memory is all she has of him.
    Who knew a boy could mean so much?
    She never got the chance to tell him how she feels.
    She never got to say she fell in love.

    It’s been a year now and she can’t let it go.
    Her broken heart is taking control.
    After school, she goes to her room.
    She locks the door; not a thought passes through.
    Under her bed, she grabs the pills.
    Her heart is aching, she can’t deal with it.
    She writes a note and sticks it on her chest.
    Her hearts skips a beat; she tries to catch her breath.
    She takes the pills, an overdose.
    Her heart stops beating as she hits the floor.

    A memory is all he’ll have of her.
    Who knew she’d take it so hard?
    Now he’ll know how she feels about him.
    Now he’ll know he’s the one.

    Then he comes over, he’s moving back.
    Now he can see her everyday like the past.
    But when he goes to her room and opens the door.
    His smile goes away as he sees her lying on the floor.
    He runs over and begins to cry.
    He starts to hold her, whispering “why?”
    He looks at her and sees the note.
    He picks it up and reads what she wrote.
    “How I feel, he might never know.
    There’s no point in living if there’s nothing to live for.
    I want him to know that I fell in love with him.
    If you ever see him, please give him this.”
    He reads it over, and over again.
    But what she didn’t know is that he felt the same.
    He puts the note back, and grabs one for himself.
    He begins to write and sticks it onto his chest.
    He looks at her and the note once again.
    He looks at his to see what is says.
    “She never knew, but I felt the same.
    She’s the sunshine in my rain.
    She is my life, and now she’s gone.
    At least she knows she’s the one I love.”
    Picking up the pills, he gives her a kiss.
    “I love you.” escapes from his lips.
    He takes the pills, an overdose.
    His heart stops beating as he hits the floor.
    He lay right next to her, his hand in hers.
    Always remember, “Love” is not just a word.

    A memory is all we’ll have of them.
    Who knew love could go this far?
    They may be gone, but they’re together where they are.
    Their names forever printed on each other’s hearts.