• One hot summer day
    When I was playing my
    Harmless games, I saw
    A great white hare with
    Big ears that it did care,
    as it knocked over mother's
    Cogswell chair. It ran out the
    Back door as I pinched myself
    Once more to see if what had
    Happened was a dream, as my
    Mother came to see what ruckus
    That I did bring, to focus on me
    But not her work, that was to take
    One whole day. She asked what
    Had happened and I replied,

    "It was a was a hare that knocked down
    Your chair; 'Tis truly was not me."
    My mother replied, "That was a very nice
    Try, but you can not fool me, for a I don't see
    A hare to believe you, in this
    Very room that we speak."
    "Oh, but mum," I replied, with very sad eyes,
    "Did you not say that Seeing is Believing?"