• The light,
    So joyous,
    Almost chaos,

    Full of bright faces,
    Overworked workers,
    Filled with the comfort of living.

    The dark,
    So mysterious,
    Almost peaceful.

    Full of restless lives,
    Dreamless dreamers,
    Filled with the worries of life.

    Light and dark,
    Day and night,
    One season to the next.

    All aspects of time,
    Compelled by the fear of tomorrow,
    Life flashing by quickly,

    Not a moment to spare,
    Always rushed,
    No time to enjoy the moment,

    Pressured to succeed,
    Consistently fretting,
    The fear of failure,

    ‘Tis Light and dark,
    Day and night,
    That keeps us living.

    It is Time,
    That allows us to forget ourselves,
    To become warped.

    We watch our children grow,
    We watch ourselves become old,
    We watch society change,

    For what?

    We let it happen,
    There is no way of stopping it,

    Because light becomes dark,
    Day falls into night,
    And seasons come right after another.