• Many would say that I am sly and crafty
    but acctually, my friends, I am ill.
    My strength is leaving me far behind
    and continues to move still.
    But there is something I must tell you.
    It is a crime most foul.
    But you would not judge me,
    or leave me behind
    because you want to hear my tail.

    It was a summer day
    the sky was a shade of blue.
    Two men came to my house
    to tell me what to do.
    They said said I owed money
    this I did not deny.
    I invited them inside for a cup of tea.
    At that point my thought were sly.
    I told them I was sorry
    and it wouldnt happen again.
    Then I pick up the metal tea pot
    and hit one of the men in the head.
    I shot the other with a gun I had hidden in my vase.
    He died, but the other remained unconcius
    so all there was to do was wait.

    I burried him down the street,
    and yes he was still alive.
    Do you think I would be in prison
    if he had died?
    I am not sly, nor crafty, nor smart
    but I had to do this
    to save myself from my heart.
    My soul aches for what I did
    and it saddens my soul
    If if you tell another man,
    your story will also be told.