• oh the care free days
    the black berries we stole
    the sweet taste of spring air
    thoughs memories i hold so dear
    feeding the horses dew covered grass
    watching them chew their morsells
    oh thoughs dearest days
    i can still recall every word
    the roar of the wind
    winnie of a half blind horse
    the giggles and laughter of my best friend
    the last thing she ever told me
    she said shey never see me again
    and then my heart snapped
    the only thing i felt would never leave me was now gone
    like a newborn fawn without her mother
    i felt defenceless
    oh half blind horses
    dew covered grasses
    our rain soaked faces
    smiles from ear to ear
    one selfish desision ruined it all
    i guess i just wanted something i can never have...
    a true friend to keep
    a stable true friend
    somebody to trust and keep close
    to share my deepest secrets
    just the thing i want most
    i just cant ever keep