• Life is a chessboard
    And you are my King,
    The Pawns In the front
    Don’t mean anything

    They are disposed of
    As are the Knights
    Of movement so rigid
    And uselessly white

    The Rooks will go next,
    Straight to the ending,
    Destroying the enemy
    In quiet contending

    Then is the Bishop,
    Slicing through rows,
    More pieces are taken
    And my triumph grows

    And then there were two;
    The King and the Queen
    Whose movements, so quick,
    Go mostly unseen

    With her I am certain,
    My victory quite set,
    After all, the King
    Is just the Queenly puppet

    How tragic it is
    When the black Queen should fall
    To protect the black King,
    So useless and small

    But that is her fate,
    As sad as it is
    To die for something
    So useless as love