• I hope that in the future, there will be no wars or killing...
    No need for bad news like "50 people were killed" or "so-and-so were attacked last night while walking down the street" or even "hundreds killed in terrorist attack"...
    I hope i will hear good news like "Sunny all week" or "so-and-so won the lottery" or even "We cured Cancer!!"
    I hope for total peace and happyness.
    I want there to be no need for prison or for nobody to have to worry about their family never coming back home.
    No wars.
    No need for a military or the police.
    No need to have an alarm system.
    Or feel the need to sleep with a weapon under your pillow.
    Nobody being judged by their skin color or who they like.
    No people afraid to go outside or go to school because of something that might happen to them.
    A world of total peace...and love...and happyness...