• This is a story of a guy who rhymes who meets a mime and tells the story of a guy named jack.
    He never learned the way to burn that quit little wood.
    He could not sing nor did not fling the dolors tree were the apples were free.
    If you read me its the story of he when he was me in a story of me.
    Now to tell you were before the bear is a kid named Deedee.
    Now to trust Ur mouth to become a shout you need to learn me.
    We go into a forest were the apples glee and the mountains say he were Deedee lays sleepy. We come to this to tell you his little apple tree adventure.
    We end here were we come near to when jack and Deedee lay.
    This is the end when we become a friend so now just become free.
    He found some gold and sold for mold and did not share a dime.
    But when he sees the gold tree he says, ''why did this happen to me''.
    We spoke to much and a little for lunch but this poem rimes to much.
    I like to speak but i need to eat so request a page with me.
    i tell you about Dee but we must need to apart from this jungle.
    I like to rhyme but not all the time so stick with me.
    This is my last sentence when i eat the food with the little boy named me.
    I like to rhyme so i must apart from you lovely people and now friend me.
    Protecting Angel Guy