• Does it seem like i am afraid
    As if i will walk away
    Does it seem like i am wortheless
    As if i am nothing
    Maybe depending but yet only considering that i might be
    Only to some I am something
    Mostly to all i am disgusting
    But yet I stand with my head held high
    Only knowing that I wont hide
    I stand waiting for my chance to blend
    Not being my normal alone shadow self
    Wanting and waiting for most to see i am here
    not in fear not with a tear
    Standing and pleading for most to know I am alive
    With a beat within my heart
    With a soul to keep me right
    With a life that i wont fight to die
    Only because one made me right
    He made me real
    He made me seal my heart for his
    And I shall always be his
    Together shall we stay
    Or shall he also fade away
    I wish not
    I love him to much
    I want to hold him tight
    Just for once
    To kiss him Passionatly
    To hug him mentionably
    To touch his skin o'so tenderly
    But what if it ends......