• love~ heart ~

    there was a girl,
    there was a boy.
    they met a long time ago,
    way back in band.

    girl wishes she could explain,
    everything in that minuet,
    what she was feeling
    as her heart fluttered with joy.

    they dated,
    girl and boy.
    and girl felt like,
    butterflies were racing, to her heart beat.

    ever time she stood near him.
    she wanted to be closer...
    she wanted to alway be that close to him
    and always wanted to feel the butterflies.
    that made her heart race with joy.

    as time moved on,
    girl and boy were perfect,
    everything they did,
    they did with love in mind.

    then one day girl cried,
    and boy asked why?
    girl said: "if i told you....
    it would be the end"

    boy comfurted her the best he could,
    while he listened to her explination.
    in sobs girl said:
    "im moving"

    girl turned to boy
    the shock on his face
    was a dead give away
    and then he said something
    something girl though she would never hear

    he said:
    "girl ill always love you,
    and im willing to try this for you.
    its going to be hard i understand,
    but i need it to work

    i want to be with you always
    girl i love you
    we can do long distance."
    girl couldn't believe what she heard.

    so months went on
    and they went long distance
    the nights were lonely
    only wishing and praying to be there with him

    till one day...
    boy rang girl..
    he said :
    "we need to talk.... i think im gonna cry."

    girl knew what was coming
    she locked her door
    and tried not to cry
    then picked up the phone
    when he called.

    he said:
    "ive tried everything,
    and i cant do it anymore.
    my heart is breaking
    i cant do it anymore if only you were here"

    the phone then fell silent
    girl and boy both crying
    knowing.. it was the end of them
    girl cried all night

    and texted boy next day
    happy easter
    pretending like she was okay
    boy texted back you too.

    girl and boy are still close.
    but wish they could be closer
    listen to your heart
    and dont give up
    because one day there will be some one out there
    that really matters to you .