• the dawn breaks
    as the madmen revel in their wisdom
    a new dimension sanity cannot compete with
    it is a plague that has no cure
    it is the aching pain in the back of our skulls
    the desire to move
    to release control
    and relish in our freedom
    this life is so easily lived
    until we complicate and complicate
    strapped into reality by a cruel sort of sanity
    keeping us straight
    even though insanity waits on every dirty street corner
    in the back booths of every dirty bar
    just look into the eyes of a man who truly understands
    the saints that line the subway stations have it
    the drunks in time square know the taste
    the old battered beats own it like a 6th sense
    all of the crazed nowhere men

    just look into there eyes
    and you'll see it
    the flame of movement
    the fires of revolution
    that passion
    to just
    to just
    to just

    oh, they have it alright
    the Dean Moriarty in all of us
    burning inside with the madness
    that ecstatic prophet
    with his speeches and antics
    oh he loves the little things
    beauty in the simplicity of everything
    the nowhere men
    with their feet swinging from the train cars
    the nowhere men
    with their trash bag pillows
    and park bench beds
    there's no life greater
    then a life with no worry
    to be the servant of all
    and the master of none
    the nowhere men
    simple and complete