• Dear ________,
    Don’t answer my questions
    Don’t leave a note
    You left me there
    To sink or to float

    Don’t try to counsel
    Don’t cry in grief
    You left me there
    In the blackest of seas

    Don’t bask in sorrow
    Don’t ask for relief
    You left me there
    At the bottom of the deep

    Don’t scream my name
    Don’t utter it in sweet sighs
    You left me there
    At the pit of the night

    So as you row your way home
    ( Then I shall creep)
    And say your goodbyes
    ( From the bottom of the deep)
    As you slinked into bed
    (And rise from the waves)
    At the end of the night
    ( From the watery grave )
    I give you one last kiss
    ( That you had created)
    One last midnight cry
    One more grief
    No matter what you do
    Do not fall asleep