• Before your sleeping body is left, I mark your forehead with a gentle kiss.
    Hoping whatever dream you dwell in, my lips you’ll start to miss.

    Your unconscious body instinctively kisses me back with a hint of fatigue.
    As your soft lips part from mine and twitch in curiosity and intrigue.

    Who dare touch my mouth and spoil it with such an unfamiliar taste?
    Your thoughts must be running wild through the dreams you lay to waste.

    Your eyes dance in their sockets, searching for the thief that stole a touch.
    While I use the darkness as my cover and the silence as my clutch.

    I am the thief who steals the kisses when you’re caught fast asleep.
    But these addicting attributes will be secrets I will forever keep.

    Selfish you may see me, but there’s another point of view in sight.
    My kiss represents the words I couldn’t speak; “I love you and goodnight.”