• If I said goodbye today will you remember me tomorrow
    Would you care if I jumped off the roof onto the hard cold winter concrete
    Would you say 'I love you' more if I made it
    Or would you just leave and call me a freak

    Do you think I don't have feelings
    Do you think I can take anything you throw at me
    Do you wish I was different
    Do you think I am happy with my life

    If I died today would my life had meant anything
    Did you ever really care
    Did you think you could just use me like a toy
    Am I broken for being depressed

    Do you think that I have a normal life
    Do you think that there is any hope for me
    Do you think you gave me real hope
    Do you think I would lie about wanting to jump off a 30 story building

    But before you and I go our separate ways, please tell me you use to care
    Cause I want you to know I always loved you with all my heart