• The day starts out as any other, with a shining sun, a blue sky, and so many choices to make. It's a process, constantly repeating just to keep the gears turning, keep everything moving the way it should. The same faces fill the work place, the same work needs to be done. Life is simple, uneventful, and extremely predictable. I start to wonder why we even bother living at all, as nothing more than a means to someone else's end. Even the bright blue sky starts to become gray and common. Just another tool to keep the machine in motion.

    Then, something happens, something to shake the very core of the machine, something that wasn't calculated or planned for. I meet you, my sweet princess, my angel of mercy in a world full of nothing. You change things, push the boundaries of everything we are taught to believe, throw a wrench in the machine. Some people envy you, the way you blow through life, not caring what is expected of you. Other people are afraid of you, afraid of change, afraid of having to make choices for themselves. We all strive for independence, but in the end, everyone's just looking for someone to tell them what to do.

    My sweet princess, I must hide you away, not let the world's evils corrupt you. However, solitude is the only protection, and you are not one to be hidden away, hands tied behind your back, motionless and inactive. You are meant to soar, to upset the balance and bring true light, true beauty into someone's life. The world will try to shut you down, try to steal your light from you, but be strong my sweet princess. For as long as your admirers draw breath, you will be protected, but soon, you may have to face this world alone.

    Though, you're never truly alone, are you my sweet princess? Someone's always there, whispering in your ear, pushing you beyond your limits. You hear the voice in the wind, the voice the machine tries to silence, tries to erase from the world. Many trials await you, my sweet princess, and I fear they will never stop. You were not made to quit, and you never should. Do not suppress the energy, embrace it, absorb it, use it. Stay strong, and we will meet again in the land of the angels, my sweet princess.