• Sam quirked her lips a bit at Mark who stood halfway cross the school
    His eyes were bright and just real big as the boys all gathered ‘round.
    They all held the gun and had their ooos and ahs and chimed “it’s cool!”
    When Sam got closer and saw the gun, she scolded them and frowned.

    “Don’t you know guns aren’t allowed for a reason?” she asked simply.
    The boys just laughed and said “clearly guns aren’t for losers like you”.
    Mark said it was safe, ignoring the bell that marked him absentee.
    Sam knew her brother, ‘cross seas, would say different and be true.

    Mark laughed at Sam’s face, playing with the trigger to show her.
    She begged he put the gun back away, promising not to tell.
    He fired the gun, passing it to a boy. “It is safe!” he swore.
    But the dead and dying did not hear not his voice or the bell.

    Poor little Sam lay next to ol’ Johnny in a pool of blood.
    Her first date was upcoming Friday and now she’d never go.
    The ambulance was too late to stop ol’ Johnny’s blood flood.
    Sam would never say goodbye to her brother or see her lil sis grow.

    Johnny never said goodbye to his bro, sis, ma, or even pa.
    He’d left late in a rush and forgot to kiss his ma goodbye.
    “It’s cool” wasn’t so.. “It’s safe” was a lie. The gun, against law.
    The familys’ of such poor innocent souls left to ask just why?