• Somewhere in the world,
    Lays a freckled face.
    Tired with exhaustion.
    Frowning with distaste.

    Crumpled in his sheets,
    Willing himself to sleep.
    But the drooping of his eyelids,
    Doesn't seem to keep.

    For every time they close,
    She always seems to appear.
    Her cheeks all pink and rosy,
    But her eyes filled with tears.

    She's dancing in the long grass,
    But then she's tearing through the stream.
    She's bubbling laughter,
    But then she's letting out a scream.

    She's skipping down the hills,
    But then running for her life.
    She's straightening her long dress,
    But then it's plunged in with a knife.

    He'll sit up with a shock,
    And shake her from his head.
    He knows he'll never sleep,
    Knowing she is dead.