• i go to school , head down , trying not to show,
    i wish i was one of those girls that makes everyone go 'wow'!,
    but i'd rather keep myself to myself,
    they say its better for my health,

    im not super cool, or in with all the latest fashion,
    i go my own way , i have my own passions,
    they say im different , not like the others,
    but then again, id rather not be smothered,

    i prefer being quiet , and having my own style,
    everyone who wears the same , well there clothes are kinda vile,
    i love choosing different clothes , ones i actually like,
    not wearing all the same trainers , with the label nike,

    i do like designer clothes though , the ones not everyone wears,
    if people say im different , ive decided to say , 'i dont care',
    people think if they dont wear certain clothes they wont be 'cool'
    if they think that , they must be a fool,

    being different is quite good,
    ive decided to take down my hood,
    stop hiding and let my face show,
    perhaps i dont want to be one of those girls anymore , that make everyone go 'wow'

    i wear my own style , and sometimes people copy me,
    but i dont really understand you see,
    everyone use to say , im different and my clothes arent the same,
    but now everyone wears my clothes , and people know my name.

    it doesnt annoy me though , it makes me kinda laugh,
    as they use to say i'm uncool , now they copy me , quite daft,
    im still not gonna change my style , even when everyone wears the same as me,
    as i set that style, so it will always be mine , you see ;]