• From dawn to dusk in a snap.
    But it’s a filthy trap.

    Walking down the street
    Makes a target out of you
    For evil twisted beings
    That put you in a stew.
    They plan to tear you limb from limb
    And cut you into pieces
    To feed you to their children
    And wives and pets and nieces.
    But when they start to cut you up
    They have a great idea.
    Why don’t they cook you first
    And wrap you in a tortilla?
    But when they begin,
    They dance around with glee
    As they plan to torture you
    And see what they can see.
    They tie you with some rope
    And throw you against the wall
    And nothing you try to say to them
    Will make they’re “play time” stall.
    Instead of waiting out the pain
    Until your final end
    You decide to speed it up
    And to Death’s arms you descend.
    When the creatures come back
    And see what has been done,
    They do not feel happiness
    Nor have they won.
    For now that you are dead
    They finally see the light
    And images of what they did
    Bring them a terrible fright.
    For that’s what happens to a school
    When you cause someone’s death.
    No matter how you did it,
    You took away their breath.

    From dawn to dusk in a snap,
    But it’s a filthy trap.