• Long nights faded into blackness

    Broken glasses, broken memories

    water spilling from it as tears down my face.

    This was my place.

    This was the broken shadow that erased my soul's light

    Or so I thought;

    I thought it long lost,

    obscured by bloodied patterns across my eyes

    And I had given up hope of ever seeing light again;

    the darkness my only friend...

    But here you came!

    Along my broken path you crawled, slowly...

    You rose up to two feet, rose up to meet me,

    to look into my eyes

    and to my utter surprise you wiped away the blood,

    you wiped away the tears, you silenced all my fears

    you chased away those demons; those monsters rampant in my head.

    Where there was once screams, your voice caused me dreams,

    Dreams so sweet and flowery as childhood would bring

    And that light I thought gone,

    I never needed it all along.

    But the joy you have brought me,

    the happiness

    the love,

    the equal sense

    the honesty

    the joy I get when I hear your voice

    And when you say those words, when you say them the way you can only say them....

    I know, Darling, Dearest, Lover I am no longer lost.