• Nostalgia

    Nostalgia floods me
    The want of what once was
    Feeds off new and forming memories
    Attaching itself to whatever it can conprehend
    The strength it has
    Pulls me under
    Calling my name is retrogression
    It's hand clasps for mine
    Decisions are made
    The hand slips away
    The waters of the past flow through
    Once was, will be
    What will be, well become once was
    Live the past
    Break the cast
    Then the arrival
    Waking in now and falling forward
    Broken has mended
    Grasping the final piece
    What was missed, what was missing
    The void is filled and things feel normal
    Limited though, is the feeling
    Caligraphy of the mouth
    The words chill
    And the heart warms
    It forms a fog
    Only seen and felt, by two
    Departure comes and the fog fades
    A portion, though, is carried by both
    A portion to last, til the last.