• "Remember those tiimes, you and I in the spring?
    Together we'd sit and enjoy the birds sing."
    A look of recognition flashed through her eyes,
    And I knew for a moment she remembered those skies.
    "The trill of the cardinals, the chirps of the jays!"
    I softly reminded her, "Those were our favorite days."
    Like the slow crescent moon creeping up through the night,
    A smile formed on her lips, shining just as bright.
    Right in that moment, though she'll never know,
    I saw the same girl I fell in love with long ago.
    But as time ages faces, it also ages minds,
    And like a stand of thread, thoughts began to unwind.
    I watched as her smile slowly started to fade.
    She was already forgetting, her thread far too frayed.
    With a touch of my hand, I begged her to hold on,
    But though she stayed with me, her mind was already gone.