• the sun rose up,
    on a blessed day,
    and it shines so bright,
    just like yesterday,

    the funny thing,
    is that it’s raining,
    and really also,
    my heart ain’t complaining,

    the sun is the same,
    whether you see it or not,
    and my feelings are tame,
    even if the clouds’ are not,

    you gotta go through life,
    with some kind of motivation,
    and if it isn’t strong,
    then you don’t really got a foundation,

    it ******** kills me,
    seeing every single day,
    get talked by some down by some atheist,
    “God really isn’t real, okay…”

    Really Well ******** you then,
    Even though I’m not really shameless,
    I believe in an outside world called god,
    My life isn’t just aimless,

    so maybe anger is a sin,
    and maybe temptation I gave in,
    but atleast I can say the Lord’s prayer every once in a while,
    and God will know that im just doing it for him,

    because your life on earth,
    wont really mean much to God,
    if you don’t show some love back,
    sometimes even I feel frowned upon,

    but really God will say your life means everything,
    and he loves you more than anything,
    and Im not at all doubting his word,
    but don’t you think disrespecting him is a little absurd?

    He looks down at some druggy punk,
    Who cant seem to get his life or family together,
    And really all he see’s is him taking shots,
    Getting drunk…

    And all Jesus thinks to himself is,
    “I love this boy because I died for him”
    And the holy spirit is thinking,
    Please oh please take me in,

    But he cant you see,
    He wont reach out to god,
    He’s so ignorant and foolish,
    He thinks his life is a fraud,

    But God knows in the end he will hear,
    Every single word he has to say in his ears,
    Sayin “My son, please have faith and come to heavan”
    The man pauses and thinks nothing but heavan,

    And he takes God’s hands,
    And gets up with his strength,
    Of Gods holy spirit and faith,
    He made it in his holy place,

    And really,
    Learn from the beginning,
    Don’t doubt it,
    Or think any different,

    Because God will help you make it through in life,
    And he will let you feel his grace in your heart,
    Theres really no point in not accepting,
    But he needs you to be wise enough to take him.

    You cant lose,
    You only win,
    And if a blessing isn’t enough of pay,
    He’ll also forgive all your sins.

    So just simply do it,
    Put a smile on his face,
    Because a smile on God,
    Is a smile you can never era