• "Don't judge a book by its cover"
    At least that's what they say
    But what if the book has no cover
    Standing alone among a crowd of other books
    Its contents open for all to see
    Would you look at it differently?

    Without its cover a book is still a book
    Just like without their walls a person is a person
    Yet with or without a wall or a cover
    A person still hurts inside
    The untold story of their life,
    Lies within their heart

    So while you laugh and joke remember this well
    You could be the reason their life is saved
    Or the reason they are dead

    So when you see that person sitting alone
    Go over and say hi
    Smile and make a friend
    Because you never know who's hurting
    Until the very end

    Walls are not there to keep people out
    But to see who cares enough to tear them down
    So be the knight who climbs the wall
    And saves the girl from her demons
    Or be the fire that melts the ice
    That surrounds that broken heart
    Because you never know what you have...till it's gone