• You hold me in your arms and comfort me
    But I turn away
    I don’t want you to see me this way
    I’ve always have put on a strong face
    No one have knew
    That inside sadness grew
    So why is it so different now?
    It starts to show on the surface
    That I think that I’m worthless
    Then everyone starts to bug me, asking why?
    I start feeling sick
    I just want to scream and kick
    “Why can’t you leave me alone?”
    “My depression has reached its peak!”
    I don’t want you to think I’m weak!
    I would rather just cry alone!
    I feel like it’s never going to end
    I don’t think I can last to the weekend
    So I scarf down some pills
    And I lay down in my bed
    Soon I’ll be dead
    I look to the ceiling
    And close my eyes forever
    And now they can push down the lever
    To my casket and finally I am alone