• Always the girl that was left alone,
    that no one knows.
    Alone by the window,

    why don't you cry?
    Isn't it too sad,
    when she's got so much.

    That waiting won't do,
    how does she pass the time?
    I'm not going to leave,

    when there's no one else.
    She's amazing,
    so pick up the speed,

    and live your life like you want.
    When's it raining,
    you dance in it.

    When you're being ignored,
    you yell until everyone hears you.
    When you see yourself,

    don't you believe that there's no one else,
    just like you?
    Take away your umbrella,

    that storm in your heart,
    stopped long ago.
    When that clock hand,

    finally moved forward.