• In my sleep I can not dream,

    I am never at peace again,

    My life is never at amends,

    Life would be so easy to cheat,

    Even if it was curt and bleak.

    The nuse calls so sweet,

    Hanging above a awful bleak,

    Right from the tree to the east,

    Above water i should be placed,

    With tender care i lower down,

    Hanging inches from the ground.

    The knife so called forth lust,

    The danger it brings is a must,

    Hold on tight and just do a small thrust,

    The neck will go limp,

    F0r no more air will be let in.

    The gun shall call no more.

    But screem a burst so frightful,

    Cops will rush to its call,

    But i stand no longer with its fall.

    Drowning so painful way to go,

    But who could save you from that fall,

    No one swims as fast a rock,

    To a small rut at the bottom,

    Breath no more shall I not worry,

    Death wasnt in a hurry.