• Go quietly into the world,
    Go silently on your heavy feet,
    And let your tread be soft on the earth,
    Let your body leave no trace.

    We are the gold between the sun and the land,
    We are the thread of silver about the planet’s girth,
    We are the light in the past’s shadow,
    And our footfalls disturb the heavens.

    Never think to fear, or lean to anger,
    It is not given to us to be judges,
    We are mere executioners,
    And gaolers to another justice.

    And should it be there is no other power,
    No high recourse in heaven’s bourn,
    Make kingdoms new upon the Earth,
    Subject yourself to your own wisdom.

    In every life you rise a step,
    Each time born, you learn anew,
    And in that circling gyre, learn,
    Hold fast to your new knowledge.

    And as you walk the earth, seek out
    A teacher or a master, true,
    Look all around for a symbol or crown,
    And seek out a kingdom to serve in.

    Go quietly into the world, therefore,
    And silent on your heavy feet,
    And when you find your path to tread,
    There leave your deepest mark.