• Lit with in

    A flame that burns for one purpose

    There’s a life

    Two souls meant to be one,

    But Split in two

    There’s so much pain

    Heart ache, for the souls that are lost

    A pain meant to keep the souls apart

    There is an emotion


    an emotion that is meant to be pure, but instead is manipulative and deceiving

    Only because many souls have given up on meeting

    So they began hurting and mistreating

    Those who are naïve

    Until it becomes a cycle of misleading

    But there are those who keep on fighting

    For that one who is meant to complete them

    The one is meant to love them like they need them to

    And at first it might seem strange

    Because we don’t understand how someone

    Could know what truly love is

    That love is supposed to

    Burn like the flame

    Hurt like the pain

    That you’re supposed to feel that way

    Because that’s what love is meant to do

    This emotion connect so many things

    Not just lovers, but also friends

    if you opened you heart and not your mind

    You’ll find that love is very simple it’s not a technical complication or logically correct

    It’s supposed to come with scars and bumps

    But only because you’ll never know what’s good until you’ve dealt with bad

    Love is not just a breeze

    it’s a hurricane of emotions

    But after its all say and done

    You’ll find yourself in a place you’ve never been . . . next to the one