• A puppet for use by the master
    Never the same master twice
    Just like everyday is new
    But with the same frame
    The same thing is done everyday
    Never ending
    The only way to stop this cycle
    Is silence
    every sentence is a question
    every word
    is a insult
    So shut up
    Let me think
    My whole life seems to be about pain
    My pain, your pain, his pain, her pain,
    More like a different way to do the same thing
    live, that's what it is
    this constant p***k
    the forever lasting poke
    None deadly
    but still killing
    You said you loved me
    ,that was just a twist in the puppets strings
    Now I felt like I had to do something,
    because the master told me to
    I was hated
    That same hate, but used differently
    Hypocritically painful