• F***ing B****es

    I wasted so much time on that love that was fake
    I dealt with your bullshit and ended it two years too late
    You psychotic b****, go f*** yourself
    I'm done and through with a love that f***s oneself

    (F*** you, you can burn in hell)
    (F*** you, go suffer on your own)
    (Don't drag me in to this, don't pull me down)
    (I won't go with you, so get the f*** out)

    I'm sick and tired of all this s**t
    You say you love me then gaze at other men
    There's no way any of these feelings are real
    When every day I'm hoping you'll burn in hell

    Oh why did I go and choose this path
    Decide to spend every day with a psychotic b****
    Oh why did I go and choose this path
    Killing myself with depression and bad sex

    I f***ing hate you, go rot in Tartarus. I hope the gods have no
    mercy on your god-damned soul. You're seriously f***ed up, you know that?
    Anyone can tell from looking. Your goals are f***ing stupid and you will fail on your own.

    I spent too much time dealing with your bullshit problems
    I gave you advice, but you just never took it
    So just shut the f*** up and stop your complaining
    I'm leaving you behind, good riddance, f*** this

    I'm sick and tired of all this s**t
    You say you love me then gaze at other men
    There's no way any of these feelings are real
    When everyday I'm hoping you'll burn in hell

    (F*** this)
    (F*** that)
    (There's no way I'm turning back)
    (I'm leaving you behind, for the rest of time)
    (Cheers to leaving that pain in the a**!)