• In the moon light hour I tred through the forest, pale moon light washing down
    over me, I was ever so tired so I found an old oak to sit beneath and rest,
    I close my eyes, for but a moment in that moon light hour,

    All I heard was the slow steady beating of my heart like a drum in the night, then a song, low at first, began to rise through the forest in that moon light hour,
    I open my eyes, my heart beating with the song, I look about me in the pale moon light,

    the song was of wolves but I saw none, then from the shadows one wolf does appear, her golden coat and amber eyes shining in the pale moon light of that moon light hour,

    Her steps slow and graceful as she drew ever closer to me, I could hear her heart beat with in my own, Amber eyes now fixed upon my own true hazel eyes, she stopped just in front of me, I could feel her breath with in my face,

    her heart beat with in my own, her mind thought as mine did, for a long moment we stared at one another, then a smile curved her black lined lips, as one curved my own crimson lips On that moon light hour,

    The she leaned forward pressing her cold wet nose to my forehead and I closed my eyes once more, but when I opened them again she was gone like a ghost in pale moon light,

    Was I part of her, or was she part of me, or was it but a dream upon the moon light hour? I look all around me but all I see is a paw print of a wolf with in every step I take, she is part of me as I am part of her, and will be for all time.