• I am sitting here in my bed
    Reading the article on the plus sized models
    But those plus sized models are skinner than me
    And my mind is boggled
    If you call an average weight plus size
    Then I must be a ******** whale
    Sure I don't have breasts as big as her
    But does that mean that a girl that hits a size large automatically goes off your “sliding scale”?
    Of that “perfect” weight of yours
    That you claim is healthy
    All those girls puking their food
    And only eating fruits and veggies
    Because if I was really fat
    Then I would try and change my size
    So if you don't like it
    Then you can turn your eyes
    I am confident in my body
    And as I write this poem I want you to know
    That us average girls don't deserve to be treated like we're just loam
    To the society that are bricks with the “right body size”
    There are some girls out there crying out her eyes
    They say she isn't perfect, that she's not skinny enough.
    And then she decides to die rather than be herself.
    But the average girl doesn't care what she eats
    Or what she will order with her meat
    Because she is powerful and strong
    And you out there, your views are ******** wrong.