The branches tore at Henrietta, and she visualized them as the foul hands of They who sought to stop her. She tore free once again, bearing one more scratch in addition to all the ones she'd already earned, but ignored the stinging sensation. She had to run. She could feel Their presence at her heels, nipping playfully at her as she ran, tugging at her shadow with every step. She tried to move faster, and dodged a particularly large oak tree, some leaves falling to the ground as she moved some of the lower branches.
Ahead of her, she could see the end of the forest. The trees were getting sparser, and the ground seemed cleaner, less littered by fallen twigs and leaves. She focused on the horizon, and ran on, needing to reach it as soon as she could. Finally, she stepped free of the last outstretched branch, only to throw her foot into empty space. Pulling back violently, she just barely managed to avoid tumbling headlong down the cliff that was the cause of the forest's end. Standing on it's edge, she looked down, fighting a wave of vertigo as she stared down the hundreds of feet, to look at the craggy, rock festooned bottom, where waves crashed against the base like a living thing, splashing and roaring.
She moved her feet nervously, wanting to run, but unable to. Knowing she couldn't turn around, she looked back and forth, weighing her options. Them, or fall into the water and drown? Either choice was a poor one, and she could think of no others. She could feel Them approaching, possibly moving faster, or maybe she just thought that since she was standing still.
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Henrietta's notebook.
I shall post whatever I see fit to post, whether it be snippets of wisdom, self-authored stories, or just random tidbits of pointless information.
Twelfth installment of my story is now posted. All comments are duly noted, whatever their nature.
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