It's been said that "the youth of today are not the world of tomorrow, they are the world of the present, and theirs is the generation that will change to world in which we live." I heard that at a youth gathering in July. It impacted me greatly, making me realize that I can change the world if I meet the opportunity. I believe that what this speaker said to me and to everyone else at this gathering is the truth. I've been on Gaia for almost 2 years now, and I've seen many disturbing, unethical, immoral, and just plain stupid things ((including behavior and attitude)) displayed by many members of the Gaian community. Such threads as "guys and girls locked in a hotel. cuddle up!" and "pet shop. guys and girls in collars. come claim your pet" are such things that irk me to no end. I can't go into the chatterbox without seeing these threads. If this is how our generation is going to act at this page in our lives, how will the world be 10 years from now? Will hotels be established for the sole purpose of cuddling? Will there be pet shops designated to sell humans? Get real, people. If you were to ask me, I'd say that people our age need to shape up and start taking charge of the world, because whether you'd like to believe it or not, we are the world. Not the president, not the king, not the queen, not the judicial leaders...nobody else but us. It doesn't matter what position you have in the government. Just look at Mother Theresa. She was virtually penniless when she died. How the world will become is how we act now, and for the rest of our lives. Now, I'm certainly not saying that all fiction is bad. Imagination is a powerful tool, but it's highly misused if it's smutting up a chat sight with perversion. Also, I don't REALLY think there will be hotels for cuddling and human pet shops. I was just exaggerating to get my point accross ((I'm only saying this because I've been called stupid for saying it.)). Thirdly, I agree that Gaia is a role-playing site used for people to express their fantasies and escape into a world that will never be real, but that doesn't mean that you should create trashy threads just because you can. True, I am only 16, and I'm not trying to say that all of you are below me or that I am the supreme decision-maker on what is wrong, stupid, or pointless, but I just want all of you to realize the same thing I have. Play the role you should play...get real.
LegolisoftheW.R. · Wed Aug 30, 2006 @ 12:27am · 1 Comments |