Schadenfreude- German for 'happiness derived at the misfortune of others.'
I love that word. I read it in 'Edgar and Ellen- Rare Beasts' in...... 3rd or 4th grade. I forgot about it until about 2 days ago. I was watching Avenue Q snippets and I stumbled upon pictures I tried to forget.
..... That was a Death Cab for Cutie reference, for those of you who don't know. It's from 'Title and Registration.' Don't ask.
So, yeah. I broke out into the song 9 times. I was asked to sing 'If You Were Gay' about 8 times on the concourse, and I broke out into 'It Sucks to be Me' several times. It's fun. You should try it.
I don't like myself today. I spoke too much without thinking. I blurted out without thinking. Normally I at least consider what I say before I improvise. Today, it was like, ugh. I didn't think at all.
I've noticed something- my day is awesome until 7th period. Somehow, from 6th passing period to 5 minutes later, I get depressed. It's so weird. I don't like it. Tomorrow, I'm going to try to do something different and see if that helps.
Basketball practice was awesome. We learned a new drill (effective in 2 weeks when we have a game) and played zone. I'm one of the back two people, which means I have the hard job of doing nothing unless the man with the ball gets three yards from me. I can't wait to practice it with Katie! She's finally warmed up to me. We had an actual conversation during practice. eek
Speaking of practice, guess who wasn't there? I'm so pissed. Sam didn't say anything about having to miss. I can admit I'm a control freak. It's a serious problem, and I'm working on it. But until I'm cured, I need a reason! I'm going to ask Sam tomorrow. She had better give me a straight out answer.
I dropped one of the friends. Three to go. whee
And, finally, I have a new profile! Comment it whenever you're done commenting this.
Yes, that is a command!
Your lord and master, Lois
LongWayHome · Wed Jan 31, 2007 @ 03:10am · 1 Comments |