• Edvard munch had painted a painting called "A screamer". For he'd described his great workings of art as "the tongues of the red sky en lit in flame reaching out to him, and and infinite scream in the background." What i am saying is that Edvard munch knew What was good for him and kept this known secret to himself.

    A lot of years earlier

    Julius Caesar had been walking in his vineyard in his prized Greece, when he heard it. A scream, not of terror or horror. it had been a scream for someone's dear life. He raced around the corner to see young Cleopatra, sitting on a bench and some evil thing raising a knife toward her. He stepped in front of his lover and took the knife to the chest. It had been a fake knife, not able to penetrate through Caesar's chain shirt. Cleopatra had told him about the infamous Marc Antony, and the poor fellow would pay. He'd been ready to give his life for such a darling woman, and this boy was just in the way. he'd sent the screamer to kill Antony.
    When Cleopatra heard of the terrible news, she was at her castle in Egypt, by herself. The screamers came and remembered Caesar's words. "Kill Cleopatra's lover." but the fellow forgot, loopholes are always found. Caesar was Cleopatra's lover, but they killed her. He'd heard the news, and had tried to kill himself, but it was no use. it wasn't his time. Then, one day he "accidentally" fell off of a cliff and supposedly "died". Nobody knows for sure.

    The screamers will get everyone, all of us. if they don't get you now, they'll get you later.