• Everything was going to change on this very night. I felt it in the air like a whisper in the wind, barely touching my ears but that faint whisper made me realize all was true; tonight they would come. I hardly knew how to prepare for such a night like this. I pulled at an old suitcase tucked away deep in my closet; I could feel sweat roll down the back of my neck making all the small hairs cling to my neck as I pulled it’s weight against mine. As the suitcase was out I quickly opened it, in a panicked rush I shoved as many clothes and valuables in it as possible. I could feel tears falling from my face like a waterfall. I would be leaving much behind but if I stayed I would not get to see the next day. I was sure my family would understand, knowing who I was they would have no reason to lie to the people whom would come to search for me, so it was best that I pack at this time of night and leave before they wake.
    Keeping quiet I crept through the house; I noticed my baby brother’s door slightly cracked. I peaked in and smiled at his sleeping body, he unlike myself would be much more than my parents would expect. As I was about to leave from the front of his room my little sister was behind me with an unpleasant frown, it wasn’t a normal frown it was much more. Her eye full of disbelief as she noticed the old suitcase in my hand.
    “Where are you going? When will you be back?” The two questions I was dreading to answer were the one that were most appropriate in this case. How could I answer her without giving away everything? I thought over many things to say that would be the truth but would not give much away, seeing as it would be difficult I decided to improvise.
    “You remember the bedtime story I told you a couple of nights ago about how that peoples story’s live on forever?” She nodded in agreement, “well if I stay here tonight then my story first story will end and I will be writing my next in heaven,” a tear swelled up in her eye but I could tell she was try to be strong, it was sad to see her in such pain. She scrubbed the tear away and tried to give me a slight smile.
    “You never answered, ‘when will you be back?’”
    “This maybe the last time we see each other, Rosie.” I hated giving her an answer as such but this I could not lie about and there was no point. I couldn’t force myself to give her false hope in seeing each other again when it would be near impossible to even try to contact her again. I know how it had felt to live in false hope and I was not about to force my little sister into it, especially at the age of ten.
    “Bu-but, Lucy!” She cried.
    “I’m sorry, Rosie, its for your protection,” I gave her a smile “and you can call me Lucinda, your old enough.” I gave her a quick hug, I watched as he violet eyes widen as she watched me walk from the front door.