• You ask me why
    I'd rather die
    Then remember the years gone by
    You seem shocked and surprised
    When I say
    "I just don't care"
    When one of us dies
    It affects me a little
    Other then that
    I don't really think about it
    I see the looks you give
    I hear the giggles
    The only reason I even bother to go
    Isn't because of what I'm told
    It's because the sooner I go
    The quicker it ends
    The lies you tell
    The truths you hide
    No one really knows why
    We play such twisted games
    Two truths for a lie
    Is what I'm told
    But is that the case?
    To a class like mine
    Where most are the same
    Where each person comes with a label attached
    Each one strugging to defend another's rights
    But what of the rights of the quiet?
    To a class like mine
    These rights don't matter
    They slip through the cracks
    Falling into the abyss
    Left to fight alone
    To fight agianst the words uttered
    I'm sorry I can't be like the rest of the class
    With perfection pouring out of every feature
    Few have seen tears from my eyes
    I'm too stuborn
    Too proud
    To share anymore emotions such as this
    The differences that tear apart
    Should bring together
    To a class like mine
    A class already torn beyond repair
    Shall we now try to stich it back together?
    Or would it be better to let it fall apart?