• It's not fair that many died that frightful day;
    It's not right that so many lost their lives.
    Men and women fighting this losing battle
    Become remembered as heroes of the past.

    It's not fair that so many are losing ones they cherish;
    It's not right for children to be wandering the streets homeless.
    Babies and infants losing their only chance
    To thrive in this hell we've created for them.

    It's not fair that as this world turns we all forget;
    It's not right that we have lost the inability to forgive.
    People go missing only to turn up dead
    In a world we created for crime.

    Life may not be fair, but we should learn from our past.
    We should remember the veterans still living
    And realize they fought for us... to live free.
    But freedom has never come free.

    It's not fair that with war, death must accompany it;
    It's not right that we forget to realize there are penalties.
    Families break apart as they argue over the war.
    As our world turns, we forget to love those who need it most.