• Dear Daddy,

    I want you to know it hurts me less if you just stop calling.

    The more you lie the more I lay there just bawling.

    You say you love me, but you make me wonder,

    If you really cared, you wouldn’t you sound sober?

    You always told me that drugs only did harm,

    Then why are you dealing them, growing them out on your farm.

    That place was my home, a fun and sacred place,

    Now it’s a memory, slowly being replaced.

    My friends always hug me when I’m crying to no end,

    And tell me this letter, I should really just send.

    But I’m not brave enough, I don’t want to hurt you,

    Because I would feel, I‘m being just like you.

    But this sword is double bladed, my emotions are real,

    This pain you’ve inflicted on me, I so badly want you to feel.

    I’m too strong for my own good, that’s what they always say,

    But really I’m a wreck inside, breaking in every way.

    I wish you’d understand, I only have one daddy,

    And your breaking my heart, I scream depressed and sadly.

    If you really listened, and kept your solemn word,

    Would you say you loved me? Daddy, please hug me.