• Missing Her (to my mom)

    sometimes i wished,
    i could turn back time,
    to talk with my mom,
    way past nine.

    to give her loads of hugs,
    to show her that i care,
    and that all i want is love.

    it was hard to hear,
    that she was gone,
    out of this world,
    my very own mom.

    i somtimes,
    at night cry,
    and wished,
    that i wasn't so shy.

    i wish,
    i could've talked with her more,
    but back then,
    i didn't open up any doors.

    it pains me,
    that i can never see her again,
    and that her young life
    had come to a tragic end.

    i also get sad and happy,
    when i see a mother with her child,
    to see that they're lucky,
    and then my tears go wild.

    i wished,
    my mother was there for me,
    when i was young,
    to watch me climb a tree.

    i could ask loads of questions in my head,
    of why she had to go,
    to leave me and my siblings,
    to make my heart feel partially hallow.

    i miss her to death,
    yet i know that we were never really apart,
    because,deep down,
    she'll always be in my heart.

    i love and miss my mom heart