• Sad, empty, and unwanted is what I felt when I first
    came here, when I first went through the door to my
    new class. I felt lost like I was missing half of me, half
    of my heart. I started meeting new friends and people
    but I still felt lonly and not complete, until I met him.
    His eyes, his smile, his personality made me feel warm
    again, made me laugh and smile again, made my heart
    beat again. At first I thought we would just be friends
    until I realized it was something more special than that.
    Where everyday I wanted to come to school just to see
    him, my heart pound in my chest whenever he holded my
    hand, when nothing else in the world mattered when we
    kissed each others cheek ever so slightly, when my heart
    would melt when I saw him smile at me. After these feelings
    I knew I wasn't sad anymore but happy, I wasn't empty
    anymore but full, not unwanted but loved. To other people
    he would just be any normal person or best friend but to
    me he would always be more. To me he's the love of my life.