• suddenly I feel a freezing tension
    all my body is shivering
    taking a look all around me
    just to meet with your chilling eyes

    I'm trapped by these mysterious eyes
    being just as cold as ice
    was imprisoned by just one thrilling glance
    could this become a romance?

    I take a few steps in your direction
    only hearing my pounding heart
    coudln't care less 'bout other people
    only staring at your chilling eyes

    I'm trapped by these mysterious eyes
    being just as cold as ice
    was imprisoned by just one thrilling glance
    could this become a romance?

    Your eyes – so mysterious
    your eyes – they stare right through me
    let chills run down my body
    seem to see all my secrets
    to know who I really am

    your eyes – instant freezing
    your eyes – non-stop shivering
    do confuse me like nobody
    seem to share all my wishes
    to know who I really am