• Am I a bad person?

    Initially you will say no. (I’m certain of it.)
    However, on gaining a private tour of my mind
    You may change your mind.

    Is it bad to want to feel pain?
    To want to have it hard
    Just so people will take a second look?
    Is it the shock I want?

    Is it bad to want disaster?
    An accident, or maybe not
    “Oh, the poor thing. Just lost a parent…”
    I’ve done nothing to deserve sympathy.

    Is it bad to want pity?
    Always imagining the worst.
    “Oh God, I’m so sorry that happened to you!”
    Hah. I'm not. Surprise!

    Is it bad to want the fear?
    Pressed hard against me
    “Don’t bother screaming.”
    Would I really want to struggle?

    Is it bad to be me?
    Now that you’ve had a glimpse
    But is this just a plan?
    Is attention my real desire?