• Different Paths that shape our life.
    Different paths that take over our life.
    Some lead to a world of happiness while some lead to your death.

    My path has no meaning or a reson I just have one.
    Others different paths lead them to a endless struggle. I hate how they chose that path that involves backstabbers, groupies, and liars. It makes me wish those people never exsited.

    Different Paths are all the same they're only different by the person who creates it. Everyday, day after day I see others go through their uncivilized paths. It makes me hollow how they do it with out guilt or remorse. I just hope that these different paths we take don't lead us to a death where hatred lives on to this very day.

    Different Path ways are everywhere I go. I see them in people's eyes, hear it their vocies, their movments, and how they are around others. Different Paths are something I can't control but I can control the path I have walked on. Till that day of desicion I must make a pit stop for my struggles.

    Different Paths are so different to me that mine might be just one of few people who do have a life. God, I hope who ever is reading this takes a path that won't change them. I'm still walking my path untill I reach the end or death comes knocking at my door. Until then the day goes on and, on and, on with all these damn haters, losers, sell-outs, liars, rumors, and drama that is beyond what you would expect when you you came to my middle school.