• Never again will I be healed by your sweet words of love that resembles the voice of an angel

    Never again will I hold your soft hand when you're happy, or squeeze it when you're scared

    Never again will your heart skip a beat when you tell me that you love me or press your lips against mine

    Never again will my heart be reassured by your radiant face that shines of confidence and lust

    Never again will I be thrown into the deep and endless reservoir of serenity that is your love for me

    Never again will I be able to love another as I have loved you; death has a grip on you, a grip that will never loosen

    Never again will I see the sun shine or hear the birds sing their sweet glory song

    Never again will I sing the song of happiness that used to always be alive and burning inside of me; just waiting to burst through

    Never again will I live, my dear; what's the point anyways?

    You're gone, gone forever, lost to the winds of eternity that carry all the world's history with them, echoing through space and time without a care in the world

    Never again will I live, my angel

    I'll be joining you soon, love; wait for me by those tall, white, shining gates, where the angels reside, you being one of them

    I'll hold your hands on mine, give you a sweet kiss, then we'll both begin anew again the rest of eternity, true eternity, our eternity, together

    An eternity where we'll never be separated; not today, not tomorrow…never again