• My heart is filled with pain.
    All this talk of "Hell on Earth"
    is becoming much too insane.

    The pesimists; they all complain
    about how terrible Earth is.
    Why not list all the good
    instead of pointing out the worst.

    There is so much good
    Let me list them now
    I see all you frowning
    pacing to and frow
    Sit down and lend me your ears
    as I list the good.

    The sun that gives us light
    every single day
    Our God that gives us hope
    and cares for us all the way

    The soldiers and the police
    protect us all the time.
    The soldiers fight for us,
    and the police stop crime.

    Even average people
    who just simply share.
    The doctors and the nurses;
    you know that they all care.

    The ones we love
    never let us down.
    They always make us laugh
    and pull up our frowns

    Life is so enjoyable
    if you try to live
    all you have to do is see the good
    and always try to give.

    There's so much more
    I could list .
    So start to see the good
    and unclench your fist.